Do You Look At A Screen All Day? Here’s How To Protect Your Eyes

Many people spend the majority of their day looking at a screen, either on a computer or phone. And while this is good for keeping in touch with friends and family, it can be bad for your eyesight. Here are some simple tips to protect your eyes from the harmful blue light coming from these screens.

Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Blue light-blocking glasses are the best way to help protect your eyes from screen strain. These glasses block the harmful blue light coming from screens, so if you are wearing blue light blockers all day, not only will you sleep better but you’ll also avoid any eye strain in the morning. You can buy these glasses from any optometrist.

They have the added bonus of protecting your eyes from other harmful rays. Blue light blocking glasses are built with three different quality lenses to protect your eyes from all angles, so you can feel safe while using technology all day long.

And if you were wondering how blue light-blocking glasses help you sleep – blue light is actually a factor that makes it harder for your brain to produce melatonin at night. You know, the hormone you need in order to fall asleep? Basically glasses with these lenses block out the blue light so your brain can produce this hormone and feel tired sooner at night.

Screen Covers For Your Phone

If you don’t want to wear glasses, another option is a screen protector. Screen protectors will only reduce the amount of blue light coming from screens close up and won’t help as much with eye strain when looking at screens across the room. They also tend to be more expensive than glasses.

Blue Light Filter Apps For Your Phone

If you don’t want to use an actual filter, you can download a blue light filter app. These apps will actually change the color of your screen to ease eye strain. They’ll also protect your eyes when you’re using your phone at night by changing the color of the phone’s screen.

It is best if you remember to use the apps and turn them on and off each time. If you forget in the morning, then your eyes will be unprotected all day long without screens!

Take Regular Breaks From Screens

Taking a break from looking at screens will also help with eye strain. If you have a phone, try putting it on “do not disturb” so you won’t feel tempted to look at your screen every five seconds, and if you have a computer or tablet, consider getting an app that takes breaks every 30 minutes for you.

Being mindful and taking breaks while using screens will really help your eyes and ultimately make it easier for you to use technology without getting too much eye strain. After all, we spend so much of our time looking at screens, why not take the proper precautions to protect our eyes!

How To Protect Your Eyes From Computer Strain

When looking at screens, you usually want to sit about twenty inches away. You should also look slightly down at your screen and make sure it’s level with your eyes. If it is not, you can get an attachment to put it in the right position.

Also, if you wear glasses or contacts, make sure they aren’t affecting your screen viewing. You can get no-line computer bifocals to correct vision for your eyes and also protect them from strain. Playing with blue light filters can also do wonders.

It’s also important to adjust your lighting after dark. If you look at a screen in the dark, it will not only strain your eyes but also keep you up later. Make sure the lighting in the room is bright enough that you can still see what’s on the screen.

Today, most of us spend our whole day in front of a screen. Whether this is at work or on the weekends, it’s safe to say that we’re never too far from technology! And while there are many benefits to using screens all day long, they can also be bad for our eyes. Luckily there are ways you can protect your eyes when looking at screens before bed and during the rest of the day. From protective glasses to apps that change color according to how much blue light you need protection from – these tools will help make sure your vision stays healthy as well as protect against other harmful rays coming off screens like glare.

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